Before you download these Bob the Builder Coloring Pages, firstly.. I will tell you how great is drawing activity for our kids brain. Here are the reason:
Teach children to draw objects as they can increase the intelligence of children, says psychologist from the University of Medan Area, Irna Minauli, MPsi. "Teaching children to draw something that appeals to them is very good for the intellectual development of children," she said.
According to her, when kids draw something will happen think processes that they wish to object image, so that the child's imagination began to emerge. Draw or paint can improve a child's imagination, so that children can freely express any appropriate power and memory capacity.
Irna said, the kids have the imagination of the most extraordinary and fishing activities could draw memory and their knowledge constantly. In addition, the drawing is also able to increase the sensitivity of children to the social environment. Even with the draw they can understand the concept of spatial (partial).
In teaching drawing, parents are expected to not dictate what to make children because it can inhibit their creativity, including color-related selection. "Parents should let kids paint whatever objects they imagine, even though initially the same object totally not structured," she said.
Different perspectives between child and parents should be well understood, because something just no question could be a question for a child, she added. Teachers painted in North Sumatra Cultural Park, Retno, admitted the children tend to draw objects by adults sometimes weird, so it needs a special approach to direct the child to be able to draw well.
Now you have one step learning on teaching our kids about coloring and drawing. So its time to download all these Bob the Builder Coloring Pages and than teach our kids to draw their own imagination.
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